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Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL)
Orange County, CA

A rounded, curvy backside can significantly boost a person’s confidence, help fill out clothes to their ideal, and improve their overall silhouette. The Brazilian Butt Lift, or BBL, is a surgical procedure that involves the removal and transfer of excess fat in certain areas of the body to enhance the buttocks. This creates a more natural appearance than other procedures, such as butt implants.

Dr. Bivens is a board-certified plastic surgeon who has specialized in this treatment for over 25 years–making him the ideal choice for your BBL. Our team is ready to help you create the body of your dreams with a safe and customized Brazilian Butt Lift.

What Is a
Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL)?

A BBL is a cosmetic procedure that transfers fat from one area of the body, such as the abdomen, and replaces it on the buttocks to enhance the lower body curvature and create a more voluptuous figure. So, a BBL is really two procedures in one: liposuction of the donor area, and the reinjection of fat into the buttocks.

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What Are the
Benefits of a BBL?

The Brazilian Butt Lift has bloomed in popularity in recent years, as BBL experts like Dr. Bivens have perfected the procedure with better, safer results. By restructuring fat on the body, a BBL can:

  • Create a more balanced or pleasing silhouette
  • Increase the buttocks for a more dramatic, voluptuous result
  • Support a more curvy, feminine aesthetic
  • Improve self-confidence

Am I a Candidate
for a BBL?

If you want a rounder, more voluptuous backside and you have an area where you can shed some fat, a BBL may be the perfect procedure for you.

Candidates for a BBL should:

  • Want to slim one area of the body while increasing the size of the buttocks
  • Desire a more contoured, voluminous backside
  • Be generally in good health
  • Be nonsmokers or willing to quit
  • Have realistic expectations for results

What Are My 
BBL Options?

A Brazilian Butt Lift can create transformational results as a standalone procedure, as it incorporates both the slimming of one area and the augmentation of the backside. Many patients are ecstatic with their new hourglass figures. Still, some patients want to really amp up their results with additional procedures.

Liposuction of the Hips, Flanks, or Back

You’ll already be undergoing liposuction as a precursor to the fat grafting process, but you may wish to incorporate more liposuction into other areas of the body for additional slimming. Liposuction of the abdomen, hips, flanks, or back can help create a more cohesive contour that blends naturally with your augmented backside.

If you are interested in a BBL and would like to learn more about the benefits of this procedure, how to customize it, and which option is best for you, call Optimal Plastic Surgery today at (657) 444-9291 to schedule a consultation with Dr. Bivens.

Before & After Photos

Before and After BBL Optimal Plastic Surgery
Before and After BBL Optimal Plastic Surgery

How Is a
BBL Performed?

Your Consultation

Your consultation with Dr. Bivens is a vital step in your BBL process. During this meeting, he will review your medical history, examine the treatment area, and listen to your goals and concerns about the procedure.

Your consultation gives you the opportunity to learn everything you can about your BBL. Dr. Bivens will answer any questions you may have about the procedure, recovery, and results to give you as much information as possible so that you can be adequately prepared. This will also be your opportunity to discuss combining other cosmetic procedures with your BBL, which Dr. Bivens may or may not recommend for you based on your medical history, the nature of the procedure, and its recovery period.

If you decide to move forward with the procedure, and Dr. Bivens agrees that it is a good fit for you, he will create a customized surgical plan. This plan will incorporate the techniques he plans to use, where he will administer liposuction, the type of anesthesia that will be used, and any pertinent details.

He will then provide you with detailed instructions on how to best prepare for surgery; this may include instructions on which medications to pause or stop taking, to get additional medical testing, any lifestyle changes (like quitting smoking), and setting up transportation for after the procedure.

The BBL Procedure

On the day of surgery, Dr. Bivens will mark the locations where he will extract fat via liposuction, as you have discussed previously. Then, you will be administered anesthesia so that you will feel no pain during the procedure.

First, Dr. Bivens will make small incisions around the donor location before inserting a small tube called a cannula. Through the cannula, a tumescent formula will be administered, which prepares the fat cells for extraction and also includes a small amount of lidocaine, reducing trauma to the tissues. Then, the fat will be suctioned out through the cannula. Dr. Bivens will remove the fat in a back-and-forth motion, creating a smooth, natural-looking contour. Once an adequate amount of fat has been removed and Dr. Bivens is satisfied with the look of the donor area, he will carefully close the incisions.

Next, the fat will be cleansed and treated for reinjection. Dr. Bivens will then carefully inject the purified fat into the buttocks, creating a smooth and even contour. Once the result is ideal, you will be monitored as you wake up from the anesthesia and sent home with instructions for aftercare.

What Is BBL
Recovery Like?

After your BBL, expect to feel tired and sore. Our office will send you home (with a responsible driver) with detailed instructions unique to your surgical plan. You may be instructed to:

Wear a compression garment. This is typical of most body contouring procedures, but it is crucial for BBLs. Compression garments help contract the body, allowing the skin to snap back into place and reducing swelling.

Avoid putting pressure on your buttocks for as long as possible–up to one month. Cushions and special pillows can help you sit comfortably without putting too much weight on your buttocks. This will help maintain proper blood flow to the newly transferred fat.

You may be able to return to work after 7-10 days, depending on the nature of your job. Most discomfort should be manageable with over-the-counter medications or pain medication prescribed by Dr. Bivens.

Avoid exercise, especially running, until Dr. Bivens clears you. This is crucial, as the most significant part of BBL recovery is allowing the fat to heal. Jostling movement, bouncing, and pressure can all affect the viability of the fat, so rest is ideal.

When Will I
See My BBL Results?

You will notice an instant increase in the size of your buttocks following your BBL–in fact, you may be a little shocked. This is because Dr. Bivens (and all BBL surgeons) will add slightly more volume to the buttocks to account for the natural reabsorption of fat. So, in the early days of your BBL recovery, your buttocks will be larger than the final result, but this will minimize as you heal.

The results of your BBL will continue to improve as swelling and bruising subside and the transferred fat settles. For some patients, the final results may take a few months to become visible.

How Much Does a
Brazilian Butt Lift Cost?

The cost of a Brazilian Butt Lift in Orange County, CA, will depend on the specifics of your surgical plan, anesthesia and facility fees, and if you have combined your BBL with any other procedures.

Once a surgical plan has been created and agreed upon, we will be happy to provide you with an accurate cost estimate.

Interested in a
BBL in Orange County, CA?

If you’re ready for that hourglass figure you’ve always wanted, call Optimal Plastic Surgery today at (657) 444-9291 or fill out our online contact form. Our team is ready to answer any questions you may have and to schedule your consultation with Dr. Bivens.

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